Wednesday, February 22, 2006

HRB Clinic, Ispat General Hospital, Rourkela

This small boy looks like having features of Down's but is only 17 days old when first visited us. The pediatrician had sent the parents to HRB Clinic with a diagnosis of Down's. Our psychologist also found the baby to have features of Down's but it was really difficult to make the parents understand the implications from such a tender age and they virtually refused to accept the fact that their child can have Down's. So our psychologist approached in a way concluding that it was too early to pronounce any final diagnosis and the parents need to take care of the baby like any other high risk baby and taught them the methods of early sensory stimulation to be practised at home and revisit us after 3 weeks.


1 comment:

  1. Nice Blog and good work..

    Do these folks know their pictures are up here?
