Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Genetic abnormalities may cause cerebral palsy- study suggests


Monday, January 30, 2012

Vedavyas CBR camp

Vedavyas CBR camp by sswain_1999
Vedavyas CBR camp, a photo by sswain_1999 on Flickr.

Vedvyas CBR camp

Vedvyas CBR camp by sswain_1999
Vedvyas CBR camp, a photo by sswain_1999 on Flickr.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Republic Day in Home & Hope- 2012

Dr. C M Rao unfurling the national flag in Home & Hope

Sunday, January 22, 2012

HRB Clinic

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Neonate with suspected cp in early intervention unit

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Child with CP in HRB Clinic

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Child with cp

Child with cp by sswain_1999
Child with cp, a photo by sswain_1999 on Flickr.

Nearly 2 years old but still not able to hold head

Fertilizer camp

Fertilizer camp- the right one is the escort

A child with cp in Fertilizer CBR camp

Fertilizer camp

Fertilizer camp by sswain_1999
Fertilizer camp, a photo by sswain_1999 on Flickr.

Fertilizer Camp

Fertilizer Camp by sswain_1999
Fertilizer Camp, a photo by sswain_1999 on Flickr.

Despite a cold wave passing through our place the turn out is encouraging.

Fertilizer CBR camp

Fertilizer CBR camp by sswain_1999
Fertilizer CBR camp, a photo by sswain_1999 on Flickr.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Home & Hope, Sector-17, Rourkela

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Inauguration of Cerebral Palsy wing of Home & Hope

Sri Viswaroop, CEO of NSPCL and Sri SV Shahi, CFO, NSPCL, Rourkela inuaugurated the new building wing of Home & Hope, Sector-3 in Rourkela today and dedicated two spacious rooms and a bathroom complex to PWDs having cerebral palsy and called it the CP wing of Home & Hope.The rooms and the bathroom complex was dedicated to PWDs by NSPCL, Rourkela as a part of their coporate social resopnsibility.
In a solemn function Sri Narayan Pati, GM, Town Services, RSP and Secretary, Home & Hope welcomed the CEO, CFO and other officials of NSPCL, Rourkela in Home and Hope and renewed his request to continue helping the inmates of Home and Hope. Sri Viswaroop, CEO, NSPCL reiterated NSPCL's commitment to continue helping worthy causes and support Home and Hope in future.
From Inauguration of CP wing of Home & Hope 2012-01-18
From Inauguration of CP wing of Home & Hope 2012-01-18